The Joy of Walking by Rachel Eichen With a name like “Moon Joggers” it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking running is the only way to get miles. But luckily there are many ways to move and one of the most underrated ways is walking. I’ve never been a big fan of being […]
Category Archives: running for health
The Joy of Walking
Guest Writers Wanted: Where My Feet Have Carried Me
SHARE YOUR CREATIVITY WITH US! For our 2016 mission: MERCURY RISING, our theme for the year is WHERE MY FEET HAVE CARRIED ME. As part of this theme, we are asking YOU to share with us what that means to you. As you are out running, jogging, walking, biking, swimming, etc what does this mean? […]
Charity Ideas Survey
Hello! Thanks so much for taking time to fill this out! Each month our organization hosts a virtual race and raises money for a charity. We’d love to get a list of different charities to raise money for and would love suggestions. We typically raise between $2,000 and $10,000 for each charity. As a Thank You will […]
How Many Miles Will You Run, Walk and/or Jog in 2016?
How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? Do you need to start over? Re-commit? Do you need an extra push? Do you run? Do you walk? Would you like to improve your health and fitness? Are you training for your first 5K, 10K, half marathon or full marathon? Whatever your goals are, be sure […]
Every Mile Matters
See that photo? That’s a photo of me crossing the finish line at the Brooklyn Rock n Roll half marathon last Saturday, October 10. My arms are raised in victory and I’m grinning from ear to ear, but my happiness in this moment doesn’t tell you the full story of how I got there or […]
If At First You Don’t Succeed…Try…Try…and Try Again
If at first you don’t succeed…try…try…and try again By Sheila Dawe In 2010 I completed my first 100 km event in Lethbridge, Alberta at a race called Lost Souls Ultra. I registered in early January and then in mid-March fell on some stairs, tearing a tendon in my knee. I went through physiotherapy and had […]
I Will Be THAT Girl
I Will Be THAT Girl By Linda Hodges I know I’m late writing my article but I’ll explain why in a bit. First let me apologize in advance for misspelled words, very poor grammar and well my horrific writing skills (I was that C-D grammar student). Now with that said here we go. I’m […]
Why I Keep Movin’
Why I Keep Movin’ Every Mile Matters by Val This isn’t one of those heart-string-tugging stories. Nor is it a bittersweet journey of learning about running or who I am. It is just a simple story of two girls who got me moving, a family that believes I am strong and a lost son. And […]
How Far Will You Walk in Your Lifetime?
Have you ever wondered how far you walk in a day? A year? A lifetime? The average person (moderately active) takes around 7,500 steps/day. If this was maintained daily through the age of 80, you will have walked about 216,262,500 steps throughout your life. You would average about 1,300 to 1,500 miles a year, […]