Moon Landing Anniversary – A Gift to Say THANK YOU

1774-moon-landing-wallpaperTwo years ago today (May 23, 2013) was a historical event for Moon Joggers.  In January of that year we had taken off on a mission to the Moon, with hopes of logging enough miles to get there in one year.  We made it in five months! To celebrate our two year anniversary of landing on the Moon we wanted to do something special for each of you.  We wish we could reach out and shake each one of your hands, or give you a great big hug and a small gift, but that is virtually impossible.  So instead, we want to give you a discount code to all of our events as a way of saying THANK YOU FOR SUCH AN INCREDIBLE JOUREY SO FAR! our moon landing anniversary is May 23, we invite you to save 23% on all of our VIRTUAL EVENTS for 2015 by using promo code MOONLANDING23.  The same promo code will also save you 33% on our MEET ME ON MARS mission and 20% on any of the virtual events on our sister page, VIRTUAL RUN EVENTS.  The code will expire at noon on Tuesday, May 26 (Mountain Standard Time) so be sure to use it as soon as possible.  Feel free to share this code with your friends as an invitation to join us on this great adventure through the universe! 

Thank you again for sharing this journey with us!  We reached the moon and now have logged more than 3 million miles as we journey through space.  Below is our post from the day we landed on the moon two years ago!



On January 1, 2013 a group of walkers and runners from around the world took off for a historical adventure – a trip to the moon.  This trip involved no rockets or space crafts, only our feet.  Each mile jogged by each of our team members has gotten us to where we are today. STANDING ON THE MOON.  Now it’s time to celebrate! We will be exploring the moon for a few hours and then it’s time to turn around and finish our journey.   The second half of our journey is all about “coming home.” Way to go Moon Joggers!

The first words spoken from a Moon Jogger on the moon: “The inspiration of two people and everyone working together and supporting each other has made this possible. MJ’s rock!”
Perry Newburn, ranked as #1 Moon Jogger, with 2,685 miles logged in less than six months.



This entry was posted in Connecting, every mile matters, Half Marathon Training, having fun running, Jogging, Marathon Runner, marathon running, Moon Joggers, motivation, online running group, Raising funds for charities, reason to run, Running, Running for Charity, running for health, Virtual 10K, Virtual 5K, Virtual Run and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.

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